Photo, Videotaping, and Filming Policy
Neumann University reserves the right to use any photograph taken on University property or at a University-sponsored event without the expressed written permission of those contained within the photograph. This photo may be used in publications or video material produced, used or contracted by Neumann University including buy not limited to: viewbooks, catalogs, handbooks, flyers, newspapers,magazines, television promotions, videos.
Any person desiring not to have their photo taken or distributed must contact the public relations office in writing of their intentions and provide a photograph. This photograph will be held in confidentiality by the PR office and used only to eliminate said person from photos when selecting pictures for inclusion in publications.
Any individual, organization or company wishing to engage in still photography, videotaping or filming for production, broadcast or public dissemination by any means on or in property owned by Neumann University must obtain permission in advance from an appropriate University official. The photographer should be accompanied by a member of Public Relations staff.
These policies should not be considered complete or final representations of public relations office policies.