Orientation Sessions
Intro to INT 101 The First College Course: Discuss the skills taught in the INT 101 course with faculty and understand how this specially designed course helps the student achieve academic and social success while easing their transition to college life.
Family Involvement: Discover how to stay informed, involved and connected. Through various activities and events on and off-campus, Neumann parents become involved in the life of the University and at the same time, preserve, enhance, and improve the quality of the Neumann experience for their students.
Campus Support Nets: How does Neumann identify students at risk and what efforts are in place to assist them? Neumann’s Coordinator of Student Retention Services will discuss our early-alert system (Retention Alert), and other indicators/alerts that are used to help gauge your student’s success.
Student Resources: Staff from Counseling Center for Wellness and Student Health Services will share an overview of the resources available to all students and will be followed up by Q & A.