Marcel Studies

Current Issue: Vol. 8, Issue No.1, 2023


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An Interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high quality
scholarly work bearing on the thought of French philosopher,
Gabriel Marcel, and the themes relating to his work.


Brendan Sweetman (Rockhurst University)

Editorial Board:

Patrick Bourgeois ♱ (Loyola University, New Orleans)

Joseph Gamache (Marian University)

K.R. Hanley ♱ (Le Moyne College)

Jill Graper Hernandez (University of Texas, San Antonio)

Geoffrey Karabin (Neumann University)

Thomas Michaud (West Liberty University)

Teresa Reed (Quincy University)

Dwayne Tunstall (Grand Valley State University)

Current Issue: Vol. 8, Issue No. 1, 2023

Editor’s Introduction (PDF)
Brendan Sweetman


Marcel on Philosophy and Evil: Existential Mysteries and Philosophical Problems (PDF)
Brendan Sweetman

Gabriel Marcel and Dietrich von Hildebrand on Freedom: Fidelity and Hope as Necessary for Freedom (PDF)
Alexander Montes


Hope and Despair in Marcel: Images and Underlying Attitudes (PDF)
Michael J. Healy

Reflections upon Michael Healy’s essay “Hope and Despair in Marcel” (PDF)
Geoffrey Karabin


Sean Bowden and Mark G.E. Kelly eds. Problems in Twentieth Century French Philosophy (PDF)
Reviewed by W.J. Fossati

Steven E. Knepper Wonder Strikes: Approaching Aesthetics and Literature with William Desmond (PDF)
Reviewed by Margaret I. Hughes

Paul Marcus Psychoanalysis as a Spiritual Discipline: In Dialogue with Martin Buber and Gabriel Marcel (PDF)
Reviewed by Geoffrey Karabin


(Gabriel Marcel Society Archives; recent scholarship; report on the inaugural conference of the Marcel Institute of Philosophy Sydney; call for papers for the October 2024 conference; Pope Francis and Marcel!) (PDF)