Prevention Education

The Office of Prevention Education educates and promotes awareness of critical topics related to health and well-being such as mental health, healthy relationships, health promotion topics, and alcohol education. Through their services and programming, the Prevention Education program advocates for responsible decision-making, personal well-being, and community safety. Programming efforts are facilitated by the department's professional staff and a team of NASPA-certified Peer Educators.  Past programs include mocktail tabling, Take Back the Night, Sobercurious Conversations, and Decode the Text: Healthy Relationships Table. In addition to programming efforts, the Prevention Education team collaborates with Residence Life to facilitate the Substance-Free Learning Community and related programs. 




  • Workshop & Program Facilitation
  • Tabling
  • Medical Amnesty/Good Samaritan Conversations
  • BASICS/CASICS: BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening & Intervention for College Students) and CASICS (Brief Cannabis Screening & Intervention for College Students) are individual conversations with a trained staff member designed to receive personalized feedback regarding their patterns of use and receive strategies to reduce current and future risks.


Office of Prevention Education

Program Directors: Bachmann, Rm. 114B

Peer Education Team: Bachmann, Rm. 225

1 Neumann Drive

Aston, PA 19014


Phone: 610-361-2220


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