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Emergency Alert System
Subscribe Now to receive Omnilert, Neumann University’s EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM.
*Formerly E-2 Campus. If you have previously subscribed to E-2 Campus there is no need to re-subscribe. Your subscription has been carried over to Omnilert.
This is a way for students, parents, faculty, and staff to receive campus-wide alerts on their cell phones, PDAs and e-mail. The system, which is optional and free, offers another means of emergency notification, in addition to the University’s first-alert steps.
You will receive messages/instructions in the event of a campus emergency.
- Once you sign up, your membership is good for two years. If you are graduating or leaving Neumann University, you will have to unsubscribe.
- If you already have a username and password, use the User Login to access your account, change phone numbers, or view past messages.