Campus Parking

Neumann University is not responsible for damages or thefts that occur to vehicles parked on the campus. Vehicle owners park at their own risk.

The parking/vehicular policy has been established to protect the safety and security of faculty, staff, students and visitors while they are at Neumann University. The control of motor vehicle traffic and parking on the campus ensures that University business may be conducted in an orderly manner within a safe environment. The act of parking or driving a motor vehicle on campus is a privilege. The owners and/or operators of vehicles on campus accept the responsibility to see that their vehicles are operated and parked in accordance with the regulations/laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is the responsibility of owners/drivers to maintain their vehicles in safe and operable condition.

All members of the campus must register their motor vehicle (car, truck, motorcycle) with Campus Safety if they desire parking on University property. Failure to display a registration permit on the vehicle will subject the vehicle to ticketing and/or towing. All students, staff, faculty, and administrative personnel must register their motor vehicle. This requirement will be enforced at all times. Failure to register a vehicle will result in a fine of $20 per offense.

Operators of vehicles on campus are expected to follow all traffic and parking signage, street markings and curb markings.

Ignorance of the provisions of these regulations will not be accepted as a defense of violations. Specific questions relating to these regulations may be directed to Campus Safety, located in Room 123 on the ground floor of the Rocco A. Abessinio Building. The phone number for Campus Safety is 610-558-5555 or 5555 from a campus phone.

In addition to the University's parking and traffic regulations, township ordinances and state laws relating to motor vehicles are also enforceable on the campus. The Aston Police may be called onto campus as needed.

The registrant is held responsible for any violation involving the registered vehicle when the vehicle is operated on campus - even if operated by another individual.

To register for a parking permit, students faculty and staff members must present a valid college ID and the license plate number for the vehicle they wish to register. Parking permits are available in Room 123 (ground floor) of the Rocco A. Abessinio Building. Campus Safety officers are available to assist with vehicle registration during the day and evening hours. Monday through Friday. For additional information, call extension 5555 from a campus telephone, or 610-558-5555 from off campus.

There is no cost for registration and a vehicle is registered only when a valid parking permit to that vehicle is properly displayed.

Students must affix the college parking permit to the back window of their vehicle in the lower left corner, so it is visible from the outside. Vehicles on campus without a visible parking permit will be considered trespassing. Vehicles found without a valid, and visible parking permit in the first two weeks on the semester, will initially be issued a warning that informs the owner to register the vehicle at once. After the first two weeks of class, cars without visible permits will be ticketed. The University reserves the right to tow vehicles that are found without visible parking permits. The owner of the towed vehicle is responsible for paying the towing fee and storage fee imposed by the towing service.

All students, faculty and staff members must promptly notify Campus Safety of any changes in vehicle or other status Examples include: a new/different vehicle, a new license plate, or a change in resident/commuter status. Each category of parking permit (resident students, commuter students, and faculty, staff and administration) is designated by a different color. Students participating in non-credit courses or special programs must also register their vehicles with Campus Safety.

Faculty, staff and administrative personnel are issued a parking permit for parking on campus. These permits must be affixed to the back window of the vehicle, in the lower left corner.


LIFE CENTER PARKING LOT - This is the primary parking area for commuter students, staff, faculty, administration personnel, and visitors. It is located directly adjacent to the Life Center, from Morgan Circle to Convent road. This lot serves the Bachmann Main Building (BMB), the Life Center, and the Child Development Center (CDC).

RESIDENCE HALLS PARKING - Residents will be entitled to park in the parking area next to the residence halls. Visitors to the residence halls will be allowed to park in this lot only for the duration of their visit. Visitors accompanied by their student/sponsor may obtain a temporary parking pass from the Campus Safety office during working hours or by calling the Campus Safety phone number at 510-558-5555. Resident students may not park in the Life Center parking lot between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

ROCCO A. ABESSINIO PARKING LOT - This parking lot, located near the Concord Road entrance to the University, provides parking for those attending classes and other activities of the Abessinio Building. This area also serves as supplemental parking for the Life Center Parking Lot. For those parking in the Abessinio lot, shuttle service between the Abessinio Building and the Bachmann Main Building will be available Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

FACULTY, STAFF AND ADMINISTRATION PARKING - The areas around the Bachmann Main Building are reserved for faculty, staff, administrative personnel, and visitors, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Students are not authorized to park in these areas except after the above stated hours and on weekends. Note: if the areas are reserved with cones, do not remove them. Please park elsewhere.

Restricted Parking Areas Include:

HANDICAPPED SPACES - An official state-issued handicapped license plate or placard must be displayed. The Campus Safety department cannot issue temporary permits, local and state municipalities do not recognize them.

RESERVED PARKING ONLY SPACES - Those parking spaces marked "Reserved" are to be used by those who have official business with the University. Those designated for specific personnel: president, vice president, CDC, admissions, are reserved for those listed only. Students and employees are not authorized to park in these areas.

FIRE LANES - In order for the fire and emergency vehicles to access the campus buildings, roads and traffic lanes around the campus cannot be blocked at any time. There must also be easy access to fire hydrants and entrances into buildings. In addition, any areas marked as NO PARKING are fire lanes. Vehicles that block fire lanes are subject to ticketing and/or towing.

UNPAVED/GRASS AREAS - Unless specifically authorized by Campus Safety, parking on any campus area that is unpaved is prohibited. Those parking in these locations will be ticketed and may be towed.

MORGAN CIRCLE - Unless specifically authorized by Campus Safety or the University administration, vehicles are not permitted to park in any area of the Morgan Circle for any reason.

LOADING DOCK AREAS - Students, staff, faculty, administration and visitors are prohibited from parking their vehicles in any of the University loading dock areas. These include loading docks in the Bachman Main Building, Life Center, and the LLC Complex. Specifically, the Bachmann Main Building loading dock parking area is reserved for University service vehicles.

Parking violations are subject to fines as follows:

Blocking a fire lane: $20

Failure to register a vehicle: $20

Parking in a handicapped area: $20

Failure to display parking permit: $20

Parking in unauthorized spaces: $20

Reckless driving: $20

Payment of fines must be made at the Business Office, room 104. Non-payment of fines by students may affect receipt of grades and transcripts as well as registration for further courses; non-payment by University faculty and employees may be reflected in evaluation summaries.

An appeal of any penalty prescribed by these regulations must be made by filling out a Traffic and Parking Appeal form. The Traffic and Parking Appeal form may be picked up at the Department of Campus Safety in room 123 (ground floor) of the Rocco A. Abessinio Building. The parking appeal must be submitted to the Director of Campus Safety within 5 working days from the day of issuance of the ticket. If the Director of Campus Safety does not uphold the appeal, students may ask the Vice President for Student Affairs to review the situation and University employees may ask the Vice President for Finance and Administration for a review. The Vice President's decision is final. If no appeal is made within 5 working days, the business office is notified that payment is due.

The University reserves the right to remove any vehicle found on University property that is parked illegally or seen as the danger to the campus community. The owner will be responsible for the towing, impound and storage costs of such vehicle. The Director of Campus Safety will implement and enforce this policy.

No liability is created by the granting of parking or vehicle operating privileges on property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the University. The University assumes no responsibility for the care or protection of vehicles or their contents while operated or parked on University property. Employees of the Campus Safety department and the Aston Police patrol University parking facilities and enforce regulations.