Students who are interested in medical careers meet as a group with the Pre-Medical Advisors during their freshman and sophomore years. Formal professional advising, however, does not begin until the second semester of the sophomore year and only after the student has applied for the advising process and is interviewed and selected by the members of the Pre-Medical and Pre-Professional Committee of the School of Nursing and Health Sciences. To be interviewed, students must have demonstrated satisfactory academic progress in their chosen major with a science cumulative GPA of 3.40 and no grade less than a “B-” (2.7) for all MCAT required courses. Students who have been selected by this Committee work with the Pre-Medical Advisors Dr. Brinda Govindaraju and Dr. Amy Brown to begin the application process.
Medical schools seek broadly educated applicants who have a solid foundation in the natural sciences, strong communication and analytical skills, and experience in the health professions in the forms of employment, volunteer work, and /or internships.
Additional program information.
For additional information, please call the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, which coordinates the admission of all students, at (610) 558-5616 or e-mail us at neumann@neumann.edu.