Focused Mini-Guides for Students
Online Learning at Neumann University
A video tutorial of academic advising
related to online learning.
How to Find Course Textbooks
A video tutorial showing students how to
find course textbook information.
Navigating My WebAdvisor Account
A video tutorial guiding students on how to
navigate WebAdvisor, an important
resource unique to each student at Neumann.
Celebrating Over 45 Years of Serving Adults
Since 1974, Neumann University had been serving adult learners with its accelerated degree completion programs. Several new programs have since been created for adults who may have earned previous college credits or who did not attend college after high school. These programs may provide opportunities for adults to complete a bachelor of arts, or a bachelor of science degree.
A unique feature of these programs is its’ applied curriculum in seminar format. Seminars feature learning opportunities called Experiential Learning Projects (ELP) that blend theory and practice. ELPs can be professional initiatives that enable you to further research and develop projects from your place of work- a return on investment--- ROI ---for employers. ELPs can also be projects that have personal meaning, for example developing a new community service initiative, starting a small business, or launching a new career. Because the courses are accelerated and include ELP’s, adults are responsible for learning outside class, on your own. You may attend courses face-to-face, online, or a combination of both, either full- or part time.
Benefits of Neumann’s Learning Environment
Neumann’s curriculum values and promotes thoughtful and ethical leadership in service and response to a global and technologically complex world. The core curriculum for degree completion programs focuses on key competencies needed in today’s world -- for any profession, any industry, including writing, presentational skills, research, and use of technology, problem solving, and the ability to think creatively, reflectively and critically.
Adults typically enroll in the program to:
Proudly rooted in the Franciscan Tradition, Neumann presents students with moral, spiritual and intellectual challenges. Classes, both online and face-to-face, foster the meaningful exchange of ideas and opinions. Case studies, team projects, group presentations and guest speakers are among the many experiences within our curriculum.
Time to Completion
An Academic Advisor can help to determine your potential number of credits that can be applied to your degree. All adults bring different backgrounds and experiences; therefore, no two program plans are alike! Review of this information is time well-spent, so you know walk away with your own personal program plan, knowing “up front” how much time is needed to complete your degree.
For most returning adults, the many ways to obtain credit enable further acceleration, depending on experiences and prior learning. Examples of ways to obtain credit include:
For assistance and questions, please contact the Office of Adult & Graduate Admissions by calling 610-361-5208 or (800) 9-NEUMANN or feel free to e-mail us at GradAdultAdmiss@neumann.edu.